National school of judges of Ukraine



International Fund "The Center for Judicial Studies"



- Increasing judges' awareness about European standards on ensuring for human rights and freedoms and the judicial independence;

- Holding joint seminars, round table discussions and conferences on agreed themes.

National Academy of Prosecution of Ukraine       


- development of professional training programs, educational and scientific activities, their scientific and methodological and material-technical providing, qualification characteristics, educational-professional programs of the corresponding specializations and levels of training specialists;

- introduction of the modern teaching methods and control knowledge using new information technologies in the scientific process;

- training, retraining and improvement qualification of scientific and pedagogical staff;

- training, development of manuals, methodical recommendations and summing up of the practice for ensure the teaching and educational process for professional training;

- training of scientific research on current issues of law, combating criminality, and concerning to the main directions activities of the Procuracy of Ukraine and the judicial system of Ukraine.

Academy of Advocacy of Ukraine                          


- holding joint fundamental, research and applied scientific research on current issues of the judiciary and the judicial process ;

- organizing and conducting joint research, scientific conferences, seminars, round tables and other events;

- training, development of manuals, methodical recommendations and summing up of the practice of judges training for ensure the teaching and educational process for professional training. .

 The Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group



- Increasing judges' awareness about European standards on ensuring for human rights and freedoms and the judicial independence;

- Holding joint seminars, round table discussions and conferences on agreed themes.


All-Ukrainian Community Center "Volunteer"     


- Increasing judges' awareness about European standards on ensuring for human rights and freedoms and effective prevention of domestic violence and child abuse;

- Holding joint seminars, round table discussions and conferences on agreed themes.